Our unique and authentic crafts have illuminated many areas of our clients, like interior designers, restaurants, and landscapers to name a few. They have managed to decorate their own making them spaces unique and exclusive, here are some photographs of our gallery from EL Callejon Art and how our products look in areas where our customers have used giving you an idea of what they look.
Anabel Garcia
Los Tacos, Norway
Blown Glass Lighting

Hotel San Cristobal Todos Santos, BCS
San Miguel Lightning

Client’s Restaurant, IL
Blown Glass Lighting

Customer’s Home
San Miguel Lightning

Barrio Queen, Phoenix
Blown Glass

El Callejon Art, CA
Stars Fixtures

Panchito’s Gift Shop, FL
“Calabaza” Aquamarine Blown Glass

“Farol San Luis” Crackle Clear Blown Glass

“Granada” Blue Blown Glass

Abuelos Mexican Restaurant, TX
Custom Chandelier

Del Sol Cantina, CA
Blown Glass

El Toro Loco, NJ
Custom Chandelier

El Callejon Art Shop, MEX
San Miguel Lightning

Customer’s House, Mex
Blown Glass

The Ludlow Hotel, NY
Blown Glass

Customer’s Home, TX
Blown Glass

Customer’s Home, TX
“Farol Chino” San Miguel Lighting

Customer’s House,TX

Customer’s House
Blown Glass Lighting

Client’s Restaurant, NJ
Custom Chandelier

Mula Mexican Kitchen, NE
Custom Spheres

El Toro Loco, NJ
Custom Chandelier

Hotel San Cristobal Todos Santos, BCS
San Miguel Lightning

Customer’s House, FL
San Miguel Lightning

Barrio Queen, AZ
Blown Glass

Customer’s House CA

San Miguel Lighting Customer, TX.
San Miguel Lamp

Client’s Home, NM.
Custom Chandelier